Sunday 4 November 2012

Blink of an eye.

So where did I last stop? :D
OH! Inter-class games right. well it was quite okay in the end ;) and plus! WE WON! I think 2nd or 3rd wheeeeeeeee~ hehe.
Then the next day- we went Sentosa Palawan Beach. omg shgywgelnwnd the weather could just kill us all. it was damn hot. we all had a sunburn after that xD our faces were red bwahhaha!
Here are some photos at Sentosa :D

After that outing, that night was DRAMAFEST ENCORE'12! :D SUPER FUN YAY hehe. I was doing photo duty with HoiHan ^^ And Xinyu and ShunXin. :D yay so fun AHAHAHA (y). i really enjoyed doing duty BWAHHAHAHA :3 IT WAS SHO FUN AHAHAH x) well whatever \o/

The next day was the last school day of the year ;~; omg time passed too fast! it felt like i just joined nygh; it felt like i just joined nyav. :( One year passed asdfghjkl fast okai :( I would miss Sec 4 seniors :( I would miss 105. even though we would still be together next year as 205 xD but still .. :( this is 1/4 of my time at nygh gone. [That is if i pass my exams AHAHAHA]. Sigh. It was such a great year (': At least we still have something to look forward to !! :D 

IM LEAVING FOR MALACCA TOMORROW :D thats why im blogging now hehe. 105 <333 I think im already packed and ready :D okay maybe not. but whatever. yay. I shall update about it after the trip! ^^ 

YESTERDAY! :D Evelyn,Cheryl,Jolyn,Wensi came over :D their parents and mine were discussing about the Paris-London trip yay :D EXCITED YESHHH. <3 We had lots of fun yesterday ^^ 
Cupcakes eaten yesterday! YUMMMM. 
Okay! thats the end of my post xD kinda short :\ so ooooops! bwhahahaha. SEE YOU SOON kk buhbye.

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