Wednesday 26 September 2012

Long time no post! >:)

Hello! hehe sorry didnt blog for quite awhile.
Well yea, EOYs are coming so.. :( getting back my Chemistry bt3 tomorrow oh man ._. WISH ME LUCK ASDFGHJKL. boy am i glad i quit third language already haha. 3rd lang EOYs just make you feel more stressed up and stupid haha. GENIUS. okay 3rd lang is quite fun. But seriously. I fail every single exam. so might as well quit otherwise there would be a bad mark in my report book :\ aw man. Oh btw my third language is japanese. Well AT LEAST i learnt how to read the words hehe even if i dont know the meaning ahaha. OH WELL WHATEVER.
okay so readers, good luck for exams :D \o/ heh.

mannnnn. a few bitches are annoying me. -_- seriously. annoying.
Okay fine. One of them:
OMG HOW IMMATURE CAN SHE GET. the things she says and find funny and her actions are like super immature. really. ._. ugh. i feel like giving her a tight slap. SHE IS SO MEAN TO HER 'BACK-UP' FRIEND. -.- she only goes with her when 2 of her 'best friends' are not with her. like seriously? ._. i feel like strangling her and ask her to stop being such a bitch. andandand. she is super INSECURE or something. she has to drag literally DRAG and pull her 'best friend' if she wants them to walk with her. I MEAN HELLO THEY HAVE THEIR OWN LEGS AND IF THEY WANT TO WALK WITH YOU THEY WILL OK. -.- Argh. She sticks to her 'best friend' everytime. STICKS. STICKS. UGH SUPER GLUE OR SOMETHING. -.- kthxbai.



haish. tomorrow Amanda is going fishing ( STUPID AUNTIE DADA GOING FISHING. FISHING! ) and not coming school for 2 days :( oh man.

#NowPlaying Secret-Poison <3
have you heard it? :D THEY ARE HAWTHAWTHAWT ;~; Go listen if you havent! :DD

hahah oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh i smell my dinner :D SPAGHETTI! :D
okiedokie. buai ! :D


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