Tuesday 16 October 2012

EOYs are over \o/

HAI :D okay kinda late since its already 12am+ AHAHAHA whatever.
Anyway yay freedom :D party party party yay. <: so now I can just slack all the day whoots! ;D okay wait I take back my words AHAHA. Because I have dramafest rehearsals almost every weekday AHAHA. I'm doing phoo mmhmm. I guess it would be quite fun :D hehe kinda excited. Bad part is; because of those I can't really go out TT except for some days which maybe ends at 12+? :D so I still have an afternoon! ^^ hehe. :3 today I had photo training lol :3 then I went to island creamery with my batch <3 [ attached photo] AW MAN I LOVE MY BATCH OKAY. <3 muackssss. Hehe. But kinda sad because I couldn't go out with dodo they all. :'( oh well(: ANOTHER TIME PERHAPS AHAHA. :D wheeeeeee freedom \o/
Now I'm so excited for Malacca trip Woots! :D eggcited like an egg <: AHAHA. :D
Okay bye! ^^ enjoy your freedom people :33

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