Thursday 25 October 2012

Results. Post-EOYs.

Well hello :D it's 12.07am now ._. And I'm bored.
Okay lemme tell you my results. Quite horrible. Most of them were B3. Except Chinese <33 bwahaha. Stupid maths. I got a freaking c5 can -.- at least everyone did badly like me .__. But still. UGH HORRIBLE. Some smart ass people from other classes got like so damn High almost full marks OK. ._. I want their brainssssss.
So yea. But overall I improved :D I got B3 for humans!! :D happy hehe because I usually fail badly ._. So my mum is quite happy but she says I can do better ._. oh well!

Post-EOYs activities:

Uhm excoosh me I'm so NOT excited for that. As you can see. I'm so not a sporty person. NONONO. I hate sports. Okay not really. But I'm lazy :3 damn. So gosh I'm dreading the 31st of October :( how Horrible! T-T someone save meeeee. :(

-Sentosa level outing
Hmm sentosa. Really. For the whole level. It's gonna be asdfghjkl hot. We would all probably be so much darker after that ._. And what are we gonna do there!! .__. Uhm. Oh well lets seeeeee :33

YAY MALACCA AWW excited me. :D
The reviews say that the hotel Lobby had G O O D wifi (y) yay! I bet everyone would be camping there :'D teehee <:

Dramafest is coming up soon <: doing photo duty for showcase A! :D yay \o/ 205 <3333 teehee <:

Kk bye! \o/

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